Well, it explains why Isaiah went from Mildly autistic to moderatly autistic after he got his kindergarten shots :(
Adverse Events Frequency Links to Clinical Management Information
Local Reaction Up to 1 of 4 children.
This problem occurs more often after the 4th and 5th doses of the DTaP series than after earlier doses.
LR2: Local Redness or Swelling < 30 mm
LR3: Local Redness or Swelling 30 to 50 mm
Fever Up to 1 of 4 children.
This problem occurs more often after the 4th and 5th doses of the DTaP series than after earlier doses.
SE2a: Mild "Viral"-Like Symptoms
SE3: Severe and/or Prolonged Nonspecific Symptoms
Fussiness/Irritibility Up to 1 of 3 children.
This problem generally occurs 1-3 days after the shot.
SE-xxx: Other Systemic Events
Drowsiness Up to 1 of 10 children.
This problem generally occurs 1-3 days after the shot.
SE-xxx: Other Systemic Events
Anorexia Up to 1 of 10 children.
This problem generally occurs 1-3 days after the shot.
SE2a: Mild "Viral"-Like Symptoms
Vomiting Up to 1 of 50 children.
This problem generally occurs 1-3 days after the shot.
SE5: Nausea and/or Vomiting
SE18: Gastrointestinal Illness
Seizure About 1 of 14,000 children. SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Inconsolable Crying, 3 hours or more Up to 1 of 1,000 children. SE-xxx: Other Systemic Events
High Fever, Over 105°F Up to 1 of 16,000 children. SE3: Severe and/or Prolonged Nonspecific Symptoms
Large Local Reaction Up to 1 of 30 children.
Sometimes the 4th or 5th dose of DTaP vaccine is followed by swelling of the entire arm or leg in which the shot was given.
LR4: Local Redness or Swelling 50 to 120 mm, but not extending below elbow
LR5: Local Redness or Swelling > 120 mm without complications
Anaphylaxis Less than 1 out of a million doses. SE11: Anaphylaxis, Generalized Allergic Reaction
Long-Term Neurologic Reaction, Including Seizures, Coma, or Decreased Level of Consciousness Rare. This is so rare that it is hard to tell whether it is caused by the vaccine. SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Permanent Brain Damage Rare. This is so rare that it is hard to tell whether it is caused by the vaccine. SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Nodule LR1: Subcutaneous Nodules
Arthus-Type Reaction LR6: Local Redness or Swelling > 120 mm or extending below elbow
Brachial Neuritis LR7: Numbness, Burning, or Tingling At or Distal to Injection Site
SE14: Focal Neurological Disease
Peripheral Neuropathy LR7: Numbness, Burning, or Tingling At or Distal to Injection Site
SE14: Focal Neurological Disease
Hypersensitivity SE9: Generalized Skin Reaction (pruritic or non-pruritic), not suggestive of anaphylaxis
Autism SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Demyelinating Diseases SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Encephalopathy SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Guillain-Barré Syndrome SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Hypotonia SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Hypotonic/Hyporesponsive Episode SE13: Neurological Disease, Severe
Cranial Mononeuropathy SE14: Focal Neurological Disease
Respiratory Tract Infection SE17: Respiratory Illness
Diarrhea SE18: Gastrointestinal Illness
Egg Substitutes for Cooking and Baking
2 weeks ago
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